Wellness programs have experienced sweeping popularity as corporate leaders seek ways to protect their greatest asset – their people. Designed to address employee well-being, wellness programs support the role that health can play to improve individual job performance and ultimately, the well-being of the organization.
Yet, many small businesses have been left behind by this trend and are missing out on the benefits of wellness programs. According to a National Small Business Administration survey 93 percent of small business owners think employee health is important to business, but only 22 percent currently offer any type of wellness program.i Small business leaders likely perceive barriers to offering wellness programs of their own, based on a history of market offerings that put too heavy a burden on their time, resources, and bottom line.
At Innovo, we’ve begun to introduce our clients to new, easy-to-use, incentive-driven, technology-enabled wellness programs that are better designed for small- and medium-size companies. These smaller programs emerging from established insurance carriers as well as startup tech firms are punctuated by easy-to-achieve incentives without a heavy lift on the employer’s part. They are proving effective at delivering the benefits of wellness to companies of all sizes. Finally, something everyone can feel good about.
See why the case for incorporating wellness into your organization has never been clearer.
We also invite you to connect with our team of industry experts who share the vision that creating your ideal benefits program should be easier, even in today’s complex market. Visit our services page to learn more about how we pair industry expertise with a range of custom services and best-in-class technology solutions to help HR leaders do more.